I just got this pig all ironed out.
The Dominator RAM did not work with the ASUS mobo, caused me all sorts of grief. I just switched it out to Kingston stuff and the system recognizes all
16gb of RAM.
I also got a
120GB Kingston HyperX SSD. It absolutely screams. Bill(86) turned me onto it, he was right on the money.
It was a royal pita to install. The bundled Acronis bootable software didn't work at all, kept hanging time and time again. Finally I decided to clone my old primary hdd through windows with a free utility called Macrium Reflect. It was free and worked perfectly the very first time right in Windows.
I swapped out the drives and Bam!!! Problems solved.
I went from a 5.5 windows experience index to a 7.7.
Now I have to plug in all my other drives, button her up, and rock out.
That only took 10 months to finish, not bad. I got the computer done quicker than my deck. It'll be another 8 months or so before that's done.