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Old 02-03-2012, 11:20 AM   #17
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Default Re: Want some cigar girls for your next event?

Originally Posted by Stinky View Post
Agree. Easy to buy a box (or two) of excellent/appropriate cigars, then hire models (or strippers if you like) that are "well spoken"

As in all things . . . Cost is directly related to convenience. That 'Cigar-Girl' service could be very easy/convenient. Hiring and training bimbos takes a lot more time. . . and, you run a higher risk of something going wrong. Like, the bimbos cutting half an inch off the cigar(s) and scorching the foot & wrapper like a campfire cigar! Really! [experience talking] You think it's easy to teach a pretty girl how to properly cut & light cigars? You obviously haven't done much of it! Plan on a solid half hour to explain how, demonstrate and let them practice. During the practice is where you find out:
"People learn by doing, not by watching others!"
Try it. You'll be amazed what happens when they try it themselves for the first time! I'd suggest hiding a video camera! . . . and, of course, use machine made cigars or cucumbers! . . . just kidding, use real cigars. But not the good stuff!

Training? Dude, you think too much. The only skills that I require, should already be in their tool box (giggity); I can cut and light my own cigars.
"Man's mind is his basic tool of survival. Life is given to him, survival is not." -John Galt
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