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Old 02-02-2012, 06:44 AM   #42
Suck It
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Default Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?

I played "LION" the other day again, that game is cool. It is as hard to hunt and catch prey as it must be for a
real lion. What I need to find a way to make work is Crusader: No Remorse, but I need to access areas of my brain
that I haven't used in over ten years, in order to make a boot disc that will work. I can't just pop it in and play it.
I used to be able to work MSDOS with no trouble, navigating directories, typing in commands, making boot discs.
Now, pfft. Forget it. I also need to break out Nascar Racing. Wow, what a game that was. As was Falcon 4.0 (F-16 sim)
I would spend entire weekends just trying to master landing without crashing. Not easy at all. I also would spend
equal amount's of time with F-14 Tomcat II trying to land it on a carrier. I am just not good at adding power and
taking away power to maintain that glide path.
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