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Old 02-02-2012, 05:02 AM   #17
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Tobacco Beetles..

i just recieved a humi (VERY DRY) with a good amount of cigars within, roughly 10 (VERY DRY) Gran Habano's and ~25 of another irrelivant cigar. but ALL the habano's had many holes and pits from tobacco beetles, i actually recieved these third hand as the person whom they were intended for has no interest in keeping and caring for these precious sticks, but the man he recieved them from claimed that the tobacco beetles were "Good" for the cigars. now im no cigar professional but the first thing that comes into my head is a flashing red exclamation point that denotes obvious worry for infestation.. However i've no freezer and i have no clue how long the sticks have been sitting in this ultra drymidor, would it actually be worth re-humidifying these cigars and making them smokable once again?

Also, the other 25 cigars are untouched by the bettles, so my guess is that they're dead
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