Originally Posted by SteelCityBoy
Just cracked my Sam Adams Black Lager clone and it is mighty tasty!
Keep up with the hobby and the more you read and do the more and more exciting it will become! 
I drank a couple of those last night. It's a tasty beer.
Speaking of clone, I need to find me a Caffrey's Irish Ale. It's kind of a sentimental thing. My dad went to the UK several years ago and Caffrey's was the beer he loved. Coors wouldn't allow for distribution in the U.S. I found a liquor store in Windsor, Ontario that we made a road trip to buy it. Coming back through customs, we got questioned about our trip and told him about the keg and expected to get hit with a $100 duty. Guy must have thought were crazy to drive 6+ hours to pick up a keg of beer and let us through with no tax. Sad thing is his health deteriorated so quickly after that he didn't get to drink it. The cancer had eaten holes through his gut and his chemo doctor told him not to drink it.