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Old 02-01-2012, 07:38 AM   #920
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Default Re: Homebrewers - Whats in the fermeter?

Originally Posted by Mikes View Post

I use a 3 piece airlock and run a hose off of it into a pitcher of idaphor water. You just need to snip off the little plastick screen off of the bottom of the barb (I dont know why they even put them there b/c they get clogged) then insert this into the grommet in the lind and run your blow off tube off of the top. Of course this should make an airproof seal but I go ahead and put idaphor water in the 3 piece airlock where the tube slips over the palstic.
this is essentially what i was hoping to do but my hose was too small to fit over that tube in the airlock...
first 7 hours, no activity, so maybe i have time to pick up a different hose on my way home tonight.
herf wear
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