Originally Posted by forgop
My first batch of home brew (Mr. Beer) will be ready at the end of the coming week. I'm really nervous to try it. I followed the instructions, but just hate the idea that it'll be awful. It's the west coast pale ale.
So, has anyone made a batch (that despite doing what you thought to be fully correct anyway) turned out to be just awful because something in the brewing process went wrong?
I started with Mr. Beer and it led me on my path I now travel with mutliple fermenters and an outdoor burner for my brew pot. One step will likely lead to another just like with cigar smoking. No matter what....just remember it will still be beer and you can still drink it!
Last summer I brewed a hefeweizen that should have been easy. It was for my wife and she wanted me to try and add macadamia nuts to give it a banna nut flavor. Well, being a bit more inexperienced back then I added salted crushed up macadamia nuts to my secondary fermentation and it turned out horrible. Ruined an entire 5 gallons....but that's how you learn!
Right now I have a maibock that is entering it's final few days in primary fermenation. Brewed it last year and it was amazing!
Just cracked my Sam Adams Black Lager clone and it is mighty tasty!
Keep up with the hobby and the more you read and do the more and more exciting it will become!