And the back
I then biscuited the top onto the box
It was then time for the door. I wanted to make a raised panel door where the raised panel was Zebra wood. Expensive but only slightly more expensive than plan glass and cheaper than bevelled glass. I cut the pieces to size
And routed them to fit together. Using only a little it of glue on the rails. The stiles were not glued so that they may expand with the humidity. I later sealed this with silicone as it will allow the wood to move

I then made the base. I had left over zebra wood that I put in like a keystone. Everything is held together with biscuits. One of my best purchases was the biscuit joiner.
Freehand routing
LOTS of sawdust, I set off my fire alarm about 10 times making this cabinet. And I covered my workshop/ storage room in sawdust. Move everything out that you don’t want covered in sawdust before starting a project of this scale
I then biscuited this to the base
And by this time the box was enough weight to hold it all in place
And the base Spanish cedar (friction fit, no glue)