Originally Posted by Blak Smyth
I didn't even notice. I can't really focus on things like enemy names while playing. I played a game the other night against Andrew and didn't realize it was him until the very last kill.
Like I always say, it's not about how good of a player you are, it's about how good of a team player you are that matters.
Way to bash me

On a side note it's Saturday and I'll be on sometime after 9pm when my son and parents head to bed. Get a little trigger time and hopefully on the same team so you down own me
I did jump in one the other day and went 5-1 before the match ended. So I'm slightly improving. I seem to do better when I take things slower and don't just rush in and get shot.
Best advice...be a team, move as a team, shoot as a team and win as a team. Run and gun as a team is also +