Re:, please
No NO **** NO. I am a professional photographer and have a very strong opnion about art schools... obviously....
The problem is that all you get from a professional photography school is time and connections. The connections are worth the price at Brooks in California and two or three of the places in NYC. The actual "teaching" is completely worthless as they cannot teach you to have an 'eye" you either have it or not and if you have it you need to shoot hundreds of thousands of frames to refine and develop it.
I spent a good 4 years with nothing but a simple manual film camera (Nikon FM2n) with a 50mm F1.4 lens on it shooting everything, everyday. I never changes the lens and mostly shot black and white. This is hand down the best way to shoot. The black and white really helps you learn how to use light while the full manual helps you to learn the gear and the 50 teaches you composure. I can shoot any camera with any gear in any conditions because that was my foundation and base. I have never taken a class and only worked with other photographers and we built our craft together.
I would suggest you friend find the best photographer in here city and camp on his door until he lets her file paper work for him or whatever for free. That way she can see how hard the work is, how difficult it is to get work and what it actually takes knowledge and connection wise.
Professional Photography is the worst ****ing business to start and there is not value to build up. All you have is your name and images. There is not selling the business there is no retiring, and you cannot slow down. Every penny goes back into it for the first ten years at least, then you spend your time fighting for jobs that your client thinks he can give to a rookie out of college who will work for free. It is really freaking hard and you spend 90% of your time doing everything but actually making pictures...
Seeing as how this thread is a photography thread I will post a link to my site in the next post. If it is not cool please feel free to flag the mods and have it removed.
Damn I got a lot of smokes I need to try.