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Old 01-18-2012, 12:19 PM   #5
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Default Re: In Washington D.C. for work...

I have been to Shelly's a few times now and I find it a good place to stop. I would totally follow Dave's suggestion though on bringing your own. A good stick in there is pretty expensive. I didn't think the drinks in there were too bad (for DC anyway) a glass of Makers Mark runs around $6.

Also, if you are looking to pick up smokes you could get over to JR Cigars, or Old Town Virginia. I'm sure if you google them you will see that they are pretty close via metro. I have been to both and they are decent.

As for things to are seriously in a tourist city...everything is something to do. What do you like? Museums are all, 90% of them, free, so that is a good option. But mainly I like doing the National Archives, Library of Congress, Old Post Office, Arlington Cemetery types of things because they won't be too over crowded this time of you are totally in luck with the weather.

Anyway, if you have any questions let me know and I'll help you out a bit. I live outside the city, but work right down town.
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