Originally Posted by Savor the Stick
I feel for you Andy...been there, done that. I'm looking to get my system and---up and running in the next month or 2.
We could make our own "Special Education Squad"---S.E.S. for specially challenged players.
Does this look like a good deal? Here
Thanks for any advice.
If you do get an Xbox, you can run with me and Andrew when he is able.

I think 357 is my friend now too.
Alot of people are bashing dome, and I understand why but that map is great for run'n'gun style. Yesterday on a game of Team Tactical TDM I went 44-10 and never stopped moving, it was fun because run'n'gun is not my typical play style.
I don't know why but COD Elite doesn't seem to show your kills if they where in the kill cam. It shows 42 but it was actually 44 (Double kill in the kill cam wasn't counted on Eilte).