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Old 01-16-2012, 08:46 PM   #242
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Default Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Starscream View Post
There needs to be lobbies for crappy players only, such as myself. I'm tired of getting my @ss handed to me by guys who are on there third prestige and up. I've improved my KDR from .13 to .21 over the last few days, but I still suck. I get so mad, but it's too addictive to put down.
High prestige just means they play enough to get a lot of points. You can always check the lobby KD/Win ratios (Barraks, Leaderboards, *insert type*, filter, group-lobby members) so you can back out if it really bothers you.

Originally Posted by Starscream View Post
PS3 here myself, but if you go with the XBox 360, you're gonna want to get something bigger than 4GB. I'd either spend the extra money and get the 250 GB, or you can get the 160GB PS3 for about the same price as the 4GB XBox 360.
If you buy the 4 GB, you're gonna spend a lot of money buying memory cards for it.
I have the original FAT 60GB PS3 and is doing just fine. If you go XBox then definitely get more than 4GB. I'm just saying good luck with it, out of everyone I know only 1 person hasn't had to replace their XBox at least once (maybe people on the boards have better luck). The ps3 is just too useful.
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