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Old 01-13-2012, 12:12 PM   #3
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Default Re: Which Palio do I get?!

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth View Post
I was gifted a C.C. cutter and it works great.
I was given a Palio for Xmas and it is just awesome.

FYI, you can find these much cheaper on Cbid, the buy now is $30 and you can get them sometimes for half that price at auction. I would use that $40 on something else and try to bid on one. Although I believe your color choices are limited on the auction route.
I will do a little more looking around. I only really want a cutter and an ash tray. My 50ct humidors are fairly packed so I don't really want to get anymore cigars.

I stopped looking on Cbid because I don't buy many cigars, so I end up having to pay like $6 shipping on everything which comes out to average price on fivers, if not more.

I've seen them pop up on Cigar Sprint Sale but it has been a while. For a good price, I wouldn't be picky on color.

As far as the CC, it works well, but I don't like not having the capable to gauge my own size or cut off a larger portion for whatever reason.
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