Originally Posted by ucubed
Connection does matter quite a bit in online games, but more so in non dedicated servers....
Yes and no. Faster internet = better registry, less lag time for your bullets. When a person lags and your shooting them, it has to compensate for that and that's where MW3 kind of slacks in my opinion. The person with slower connection will eventually stabilize faster than the time for your bullets register where it actually shot due to compensation. So he'll probably fire at you before your bullets hit. That being said their bullets must also compensate for their poor latency so it's a lose lose for them.
I don't think that's quite how synthetic lag works. The idea for the host and a couple geographically nearby by people with good ISP connections trucking everyone else isn't very appealing to the masses. The host's ping (or more accurately his latency) is 0 milliseconds. People within 150 miles and good ISPs can hang in the low 30-40ms range. Folks outside that no matter what ISP (well almost) will be usually double that; 60-70ms with good ISP, or 120ms+ if on an average ISP. The guy who's 3,000 miles away with an average ISP could be well over 200ms.
The idea or synthetic lag or as MW3 coins it "lag compensation" is to force a minimum amount of lag for everyone. I'm sure their concept of compensation is further reaching than that, to account for the factors already mentioned with physics within the game. However, most any game will force a minimum lag just to level the playing field. Having a low latency like 30-40ms is a big advantage for an average player. It's HUGE for a good player. Having no latency (hosting) is even greater of an advantage.
While it would appear that lag compensation would eliminate this advantage, it doesn't do so completely. The people who have low latency, say below 70, will have their's bumped to a flat level where it will stay. Lets use 100 as the base. However, latenacy isn't static, it fluctuates. So if your latency is 70ms and it is adjusted by compensation to 100, you'll always be at 100ms. Even if your lag increases to 80 or 90, it will only adjust you to that 100ms level. This give one important thing, predictability. Those who's latency is above that 100ms line in the sand will fluctuate usually within a 20-50ms range. It will be more difficult for them to adjust. So there's still an advantage for the host and certain others, but lag compensation helps level the field.
BTW, this is not a new concept. PC games have been using similar technology for over 10 years.
Originally Posted by Hem
I love the tactical side of the game (guess it's ingrained in my head from work)
I HATE the 5 year olds that come running with the silenced MP5 all over the map with no cover and kill me.
Sorry. I sometimes get bored (lack of action) and resort to my old PC gaming days when FPS weren't tactical at all. It was all about speed. I can do circles around people in CQB. Especially with the PM90 with rapid fire but my K/D ratio takes a pounding. That weapon has no range or hitting power at all.
Lately however I've grown to like the ACR 6.8 and a more deliberate approach.