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Old 01-12-2012, 10:27 AM   #224
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Default Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by montecristo#2 View Post
Yeh, I was just wondering if there is a difference between let's say DSL and Cable Internet? I know cable is 5 to 10 times faster for some people, wondering if that is an advantage?
Connection does matter quite a bit in online games, but more so in non dedicated servers. Games where there is a host such as MW3 the persons entire internet connection matters (download, upload, and ping). Their connection might be fine and dandy in the lobby, but once you enter the game, the amount of people might overload their already crappy connection and cause everyone to lag versus just the one person with bad connection

Originally Posted by Starscream View Post
I read somewhere (it might have been in this thread) that those with faster internet connections were somehow penalized in this game compared to those with slower connections. I don't know if that's true or not.
Yes and no. Faster internet = better registry, less lag time for your bullets. When a person lags and your shooting them, it has to compensate for that and that's where MW3 kind of slacks in my opinion. The person with slower connection will eventually stabilize faster than the time for your bullets register where it actually shot due to compensation. So he'll probably fire at you before your bullets hit. That being said their bullets must also compensate for their poor latency so it's a lose lose for them.
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