Originally Posted by jluck
Diapers and formula cost more than cigars! really though...good luck, parent hood is great.

Fortunately we didn't have to deal with formula thing as my wife breastfed the whole time. It had two perks for me. A) We saved a ton of dough and B) Because she breastfed she was the one who got up in the middle of the night to feed the baby instead of me having to get up and do it so I highly encourage you to try and talk her into breastfeeding the baby. Not only do you have the two perks I mentioned above but the babies get a lot of nutrients that they normally don't get with formula. Our daughter was always a lot healthier and got less colds compared to our friends with other kids her age that were on formula. Win, Win all around IMHO.
Congratulations! Being a dad is the greatest thing in the world. My daughter just turned a year at the end of November and nothing beats seeing her face light up when I walk in the room or if she knows I am within ear shot and I hear her yell "Dad!"