76 in Boca.
The reason for the higher humidity today is an overcast sky.
Our winter humidity is quite nice to be honest.
If only anyone would spend some time in Florida in the winter, they would certainly quickly understand why we deal with the wrath of the summer (the heat, the hurricanes, etc.).
The hurricanes. Yeah, 2004 and 2005 were rough.
We have been impacted by minimal storms overall in the 12 yrs that I have been here. When we were hit hard by Wilma, insurance took care of restoring my house back to the way it was or better (new roof).
Now, the heat in the summer. Sure, it is hot. However, 95 is a high for South Florida. Anyone care to tell me the high in August in NY? In Chicago? In Atlanta? On and on.
Usually, those locations have a week or so in the 100's. We never do.
When it is 95 here, we are in pools, at the beach or in A/C controlled rooms.
When it is winter here, we are in pools, at the beach or in A/C controlled rooms.

We had New Year's Eve out in a patio, in short sleeve shirts. Man that was rough.
So, let's keep this Florida winter thing a secret that only the old folks have discovered and let's enjoy it all to ourselves.