Well, Jeremy, either you don't know me very well, or you thought I was lying when I told you what I would do if we lost.

Smack must be talked, I am a Homer. I DID promise to post "after the game", but I went to bed at the half owing to bad
web video. But I am not so far gone that I do not understand or comprehend a good ole fashion "a55-handing-to".
I will not come with excuses the next morning when we lose, because in football there ARE no excuses. Lose a player
early in the game, you replace him with another. If you don't have another, that's YOUR FAULT. Miss a bunch of field goals??
Get a new kicker. QB having an off night?? Replace him. Backs not playing up to par?? Switch em. Don't HAVE better
guys waiting in the wings? Then you aren't the best team, are you?
A lot of times you get fans who are flush with excuses or explanations as to why they lost. They are full of Smacktalk
when they win, but tell you you don't know what you are talking about when they lose. That is the worst kind of sportsman-
ship. Your team loses, especially in this kind of indefensible performance, THEY LOST. There is no excuse for it, we are one
of if not the deepest team in football. And yet not one player in the rotation was able to do anything all that positive,
and certainly not turn the game around. I did like the play of the defensive line and the punter. And I will state here
what I have said elsewhere. SHAME on the 50,000+ LSU fans in attendance. SHAME ON YOU. You let Bama just run their
offense in respectful silence. You barely cheered on your own team, and ONLY when something really good happened,
which was infrequent to say the least. SHAME on you.
Oh and SHAME on Brent Musberger. I hate him to begin with, but LSU fans did not "pick up the extra tickets".
Each team receives 17,000 tickets to the game, with the roughly 38,000 remaining divided among Sugar Bowl
season-ticket holders, corporate sponsors and the 125-person Sugar Bowl committee. Yes, a lot of those ended up
in partisan hands. But it was just another reason I hate Musberger. He is just awful.