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Old 01-10-2012, 06:18 AM   #566
Suck It
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Default Re: Official SEC Football Thread 2011

Congratulations to LSU. They racked up an impressive season record of 13-1, the best record in the SEC,
a better record than the National Champions themselves even. They went into Tuscaloosa and stole a game
from what now looks like a superior team who just played badly. They played arguably the toughest schedule in the
nation and breezed through it undefeated. They played as well or better on the road than they did at home. If I had
to blame anyone for the loss at the BCS title game, I blame the fans, who must have believed their own press SO MUCH
that they felt like they could sit in the stands and drink and watch their team struggle against a brick wall of a defense
and let Bama run their offense in polite silence. And then there's the impressive lineup of wins over the Rose, Orange,
Cotton, Gator, Peach, Music City and BCS NCG bowl games. Impressive.

Yes sir, that was a mighty good season for the Tigers. 14-0 would have looked PRETTY SWEET on the mantle next
to that crystal egg they laid in the Superdome. But alas it was not to be. Bama only gets one kudo from me, see
reply above. But that was huge, just huge.
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