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Old 01-09-2012, 09:09 AM   #754
Down the stretch
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Default Re: Steelers fans check in...

Originally Posted by SteelCityBoy View Post
BTW...why so hateful against the black and gold my brotha??? Just curious cause Philly and Pittsburgh really don't have much of a rivalry...
I don't know Ken, it's a combination of things. Many of their players play what I consider to be a dirty brand of football. Hitting someone hard is awesome, and should be a part of the game. Consistently spearing the opponent, with no attempt to wrap your arms is not a clean matter what Mr Harrison or so many other of his teammates think. I honestly believe their coaching staff teaches them how to tackle the wrong way. Also, there's the whole "Class Organization" malarkey. Another thread here at CA discusses that, and I pointed to many examples of how that's a bunch of BS. False self-proclamations really rub me the wrong way.

But, let's be honest, success breeds contempt. But for me, it isn't success alone, but when it's combined with some other factors that breed contempt. 15 years ago, I could have cared less about the Patriots, but since they've had their success while employing probably the most arrogant SOB around as a coach, and "spygate", etc., I've learned to dislike them. I think it's similar with the Steelers. Their success, combined with what I find to be faults of theirs, breeds contempt.

Sorry for this in a Steelers fans thread...but I was asked.

Last edited by yourchoice; 01-09-2012 at 09:14 AM.
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