Originally Posted by montecristo#2
Anyone got any advice on how I can get better at this game? This is my first time playing a first person shooter game on xbox.
I usually get 3-4 kills and 10-15 deaths per game.
What do you recommend for a good beginner weapon? I have been using the UMP45, I think I am level 12 or 13 on this gun. Would you recommend switching to another weapon?
Hardcore or regular? Everyone I play with only plays Hardcore, regular is for sissies
ACR Red dot and silenced, SCAR grenade launcher and ACOG, AK 47 silenced with a red dot. Sub Machine guns aren't great for bad accuracy because they don't do much damage.
I would recommend camping more. 10+ deaths is a lot. Personally, I don't like to die that much.