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Old 01-07-2012, 04:33 PM   #58
germantown rob
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Default Re: House broken into yesterday.. home defense help needed

I do not agree that the sound of racking a shot gun is a defense plan. If you plan on using a gun then a round should be chambered and the one and only thing that is heard is BANG. I personally think of shotguns as an offensive weapon for clearing rooms and handguns to be more stealth, easier to gain access to if an intruder is in your bedroom while you are sleeping, quicker to wield, and a shot can still be taken if a loved one is in the proximity of the assailant.

If a person comes to take my stuff then they can have it, that is why I have insurance. If they came to do harm then it will be the last thing they do. I know it is not good for your ears but to fire your weapon with out ear protection in an indoor range a few times will get you prepared for how loud it will be, it can make the difference for being able to get a second shot off if needed.
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