Thread: beer hauls
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Old 01-06-2012, 07:12 AM   #1679
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Default Re: beer hauls

Red, see you are in c-bus, I'm in worthington/clintonville area off of highstreet. Should meet at a bar for smoke and beer when it gets warmer. I too am in a deep love affair with beer. Any and all I will try and my walls and shelves are overflowing with empty bottles (although recently I have been digitaly recording my adventures.)

I saw a number of photos of very heavy IPA's and different types of porters/stouts and wondered if these types of brews have ever reduced the enjoyment of your smoking experience? In the past a particular milk stout that I have tried thrice while smoking ( I was determined to make it work, lol) affected my tastebuds in a manner that turned the flavor of the stick I had very bitter, almost as if I had skipped through the entire good part and wound up at the end far sooner than I was willing to let go. Similar effects have come from extremely hoppy IPA's as well as chocolate stouts and many porters.

I've found that crisp, bitey Pilsners are by far the most pleasing to my palette when mixed with smoking. I also have really enjoyed the added richness brought to a smoking session by a heavy Belgium ale like Leffe. In particular I have found a Leiny's HoneyWeiss (with lemon) to be a good representation of the weight, gravity, viscousity, and ratio of hops:malt that truly compliment a cigar for my particular palette.

I don't always put so much thought into the beers I drink, and often these ideas are all retrospect. If I've drinking a lot my taste buds go lame and I may as well be drinking a nati' light and smoking a black b/c it's downright wasteful of me to drink/smoke.

Sorry for the long ramble, sitting at work dreaming of a stogie. This site is kinda like the patch for me, it doesn't stop my craving but sure takes my mind off of not being able to indulge rightthis moment. I'll stop now, lol. Later.
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