Originally Posted by Blak Smyth
It's true, Taki is the only continually sucessful story when it comes to the devil site. He definitley has it mastered! Must be that Greek determination and will power 
Thank you Ken and Shane...
And it is true, I have had a great run at the "Devil Site". My last purchase, sorry for no pics, but I picked up 3 Colibri lighters - $4.00EA (valued at $49.95EA), 2 Solo Jr Stinky ashtrays -$3.00EA, Legends Ashtray - $4.00, Golf towel - $1.00, 2 Palio Cutters - $16.00EA, 5 Vega Ashtray - $2.00, and a Tall Stinky for $10.00. That was the last haul I had...all the ashtrays are going to be used for future bombs and as gifts to friends of the Leaf. Other than that, I check the site regularly and just look for deals, I even cleaned up more over the Christmas break becuase people were to busy woring about the Holidays (as though they should be) but it left the door wide open for the 2 Palios mentioned above. The Palios were gifts to Shane and Ken...hope you enjoy them

now that you know how much I paid.