Re: I think I got a dud Xikar lighter
IMO, if you're going to get a Xikar don't even bother looking at the ~$30 ones(Plunge, Executive, etc.) drop the extra $10 on a Genesis or go with a Topdog or Eternity triple flame for ~$30 if you can't afford to go the extra $10 at the time. From woking with Xikars daily, the ~$30 lighters they put out are just not worth the cash, even with the lifetime warranty as they're the ones we see back in for repairs 50% of the time(the other 50% is every other lighter they produce). The Genesis has much more solid construction than any of the other lighters I mentioned, plus it still has that life time warranty. Topdog and Eternity both put out great lighters at the ~$30 range and are of much better quality for the money than a Plunge or Executive, plus they have at least 5 year warranties with them, though I think its lifetime as both are produced by Evertorch for the respective companies.