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Old 12-24-2011, 12:16 PM   #39
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Default Re: What do you think about "Expensive Cigars?"

Originally Posted by Boogie2dope View Post
I've come to a conclusion, and that is I need to have three or four of you lovely gents acting as little "ciguardian angels" who sit upon my shoulder and whisper in my ear when I reach for that stick that is simply not worth the money!
And you'd have 3 different opinions about which one is not worth it and which one is. Everybody's tastes are different. What you like may not be what I like. What I scream about, you may roll your eyes back in your head and think, "The preacher's lost his mind."

For example, you said, " There are two smokes I am thinking off that I do like to purchase and IMO are worth the higher price tag b/c they really take me on a trip of the senses, and those are Zino Platinum Scepter Chubbies, and La Aurora Preferidos Sapphires."

Glad you like them. It is your money you are spending -- to satisfy your tastebuds. To you they are worth a higher price tag.

Now, here's where I make my point. I won't say they are not cigars worth that price tag. Both companies are credible companies, both make superior products, and these particular sticks are their upper end smokes. But personally, I wouldn't spend $5 on either one of them. Why? Because there are other cigars out there which I find more pleasurable smokes in the $5 range. So, would I spend more on them? No!

It isn't my palate or pocket book that needs to justify that smoke, it is yours. You already gave me your opinion above. If that is how you feel, then get them and enjoy them.

Other examples.
Kelmac would tell you that a 601 Blue maduro is worth $15.
Shilala would tell you that a Coronado maduro is worth $15.
And Icehog would tell you that your nutz to spend $8 on any NC cigar.

OK, maybe that's an exaggeration, but hopefully it it making my point.

Only you can decide how much you will spend on a cigar. And then, only you can decide which cigar is worth it. Get out and try a few.

Here's a bit of advice, find out whose tastes are similar to yours. Who enjoys what you enjoy in a cigar? They can be a guage for you. If they like a particular stick, then you MAY (notice that word there, it still isn't positive), like the same stick.

Peace of the Lord be with you.
Todd__ "Smoke what you like, and enjoy it!"
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