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Old 12-23-2011, 08:41 PM   #30
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Default Re: We Need A Lawyer. Any Brothers Here Work In Law?

Originally Posted by shilala View Post
Chris, the thing is, it's not fraud. It's simply a clerical error.
Now no one will repair or take responsibility for the error because they know there are consequences. Had they just taken care of it two months ago when we found the problem, it wouldn't have been a big deal. But now it's mushroomed into a huge mess because everyone is hiding from it.
Add to that, it's more days and hours and cost incurred by us to travel, call and beg. We're completely exhausted with all that, which is why we're willing to pay someone to handle it and cut our losses. We just can't take anymore.
Damn, they still haven't made this right? What a bunch of a**holes.
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Last edited by shark; 12-23-2011 at 08:47 PM.
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