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Old 12-22-2011, 12:06 PM   #56
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Default Re: What do you guys think of the Padron 1964 Anniversaries?

Originally Posted by Doctorossi View Post
So, if someone posted a picture that raised your eyebrows, along with a note to the effect of "I think I'm gonna pick some of these up", you wouldn't let him know it looked fishy to you?

I'm not trying to push my advice on anyone, but sometimes a question isn't asked only because someone isn't aware that there even is a question to be asked.

Look, I'm just just playing the devil's advocate, so don't get too defensive. It's not inappropriate or unwarranted to question authenticity when you see a red flag, it's just that what passes for a red flag in some people's minds makes me smile. Bands get jiggled around when you take cigars out of a box and lock them in a bin, prices are lower in states with low tobacco taxes, and wrapper shades vary quite a bit on cigars whose manufacturers don't dye them jet black with tobacco juice. I know I've been guilty of paranoia in the past, but largely because I was initiated into the culture that goes around on chatboards where we teach newbs to scrutinize every cigar they ever purchase as if fake cigars were as common as fake t!ts in Hollywood. I'm just ribbing you a little, and calling attention to the fact that it takes some of the pleasure out of our hobby to overthink things. It's taken me a while to learn to just relax, buy from sources that I trust and to take slight inconsistencies for what they are. I personally find it keeps my blood pressure much lower. For those who prefer to look at every cigar under the microscope, carry on.
"Eventually, however, every ash must drop. And the drop usually is as sudden as it is final."
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