That's a good idea, Peter.

Heck is, we bought a car from this dealer, are happy with them, and are happy with the gentleman there that we dealt with two weeks ago.
The problem at the dealership is that guy's boss who this falls to. Apparently he's a dick. Plus this is his responsibility. Plus he knows all about it. The only thing standing between him and making a phone call to us is his ego and admission of making a mistake.
The bottom line is that we have too many hours wrapped up in this already. Calling the news would take more time out of our day and take Lisa away from her work. She can't take time to be interviewed and bothered, it just puts us right back in the same boat.
That's why we're willing to pay a lawyer to clean this up. It's already cost us too much and it's gone nowhere.
If a lawyer costs a thousand bucks, we'll be money ahead. Hindsight being 20/20, we'd be way further ahead moneywise if we'd have hired someone to fix this on day one.
Weeze is swamped with work and just simply does not have time to fuss with it for one more minute, so she handed it off to me so I can put an end to it. My temper won't stand one more phone call, so it's best that someone who's not so upset handle this, ya know?