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Old 12-22-2011, 09:23 AM   #55
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Default Re: What do you guys think of the Padron 1964 Anniversaries?

Originally Posted by Pat1075 View Post
Doesn't seem unreasonable. But from what I have read on this thread this retailer has become quite large in the liquor trade which means that they have been providing legitimate goods to customers at a proper price for some time. I would therefore hazard the guess that they are not going to blow it all for a box of fake cigars. Additionally out of the literally hundreds of boxes of padrons I have inspected upon opening I have seen all wrapper shades and S/N locations the underband is even backwards sometimes. right out of the box that comes out of the box with the invoice from padron. but what do I know I just sell the things.
To the OP the cigars look fine all of them pick up whichever one you want and enjoy especially that 1926 #35 in the natural wrap
Just because they are experienced in the liquor trade, that does not make them experts in the cigar trade. They would probably not sell fakes....if indeed they knew they were fakes. I would agree that in the many boxes of '64's and '26's I've had the pleasure of smoking, there have been some pretty dramatic differences in wrapper shades. Label locations have seemed to be more consistent that what's in the photos, but who knows how these sticks have been handled. What do I know, I just smoke the things....

I don't buy my liquor at the cigar store, and I don't buy my cigars from the liquor store. Worked out pretty well, so far....

Cheers - B.B.S.
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