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Old 12-21-2011, 11:53 PM   #51
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Default Re: What do you guys think of the Padron 1964 Anniversaries?

Originally Posted by akumushi View Post
My point was that the op didn't ask for an opinion on whether these were fake or not; it was an inquiry on people's opinions of the Padron Anniversary line. I simply find it amusing that any time certain netizens see a blurry, off color picture of some cigars posted online they have to start analyzing every minor detail to sniff out potential counterfeits. I would hate to see the hand wringing that happens when those same people walk into a B&M. Boredom, paranoia, due dilligence, call it what you will, I can understand it in the habanos forum, because we've all seen fake habanos and there is a real and constant need to steer newbs away from the prodigious counterfeits, but really, when was the last time any of us saw a counterfeited NC in person? Especially in a large chain store? I know it happens once every few years; I can recall the big Swisher Sweets ring and a batch of fake Opus Maduros in the last 3 years, but really, to start doubting the authenticity of a major retailer's product from one grainy photo when it wasn't even asked for?...
Most of us answered the OPs question, but also voiced our concern based on the photos given. No, NCs aren't counterfeited very often, but these particular sticks have a history of being counterfeited enough that the producer felt the need to put a counter-counterfeit protection in there with the serial numbers on the second bands, so when we see a lack of those serial numbers a red flag is raised. I work in a B&M and have personally never seen naturals with that light of a color wrapper so that was a secondary red flag for me. When I add both of those together and see the price thats low, even for my standards living in a state with one of the lower cigar taxes in the US, I get even more skeptical.

That said, the secondary pictures have clearly shown that the cigars are legit and as soon as that was shown most everyone admitted their mistake and moved on.
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