My point was that the op didn't ask for an opinion on whether these were fake or not; it was an inquiry on people's opinions of the Padron Anniversary line. I simply find it amusing that any time certain netizens see a blurry, off color picture of some cigars posted online they have to start analyzing every minor detail to sniff out potential counterfeits. I would hate to see the hand wringing that happens when those same people walk into a B&M. Boredom, paranoia, due dilligence, call it what you will, I can understand it in the habanos forum, because we've all seen fake habanos and there is a real and constant need to steer newbs away from the prodigious counterfeits, but really, when was the last time any of us saw a counterfeited NC in person? Especially in a large chain store? I know it happens once every few years; I can recall the big Swisher Sweets ring and a batch of fake Opus Maduros in the last 3 years, but really, to start doubting the authenticity of a major retailer's product from one grainy photo when it wasn't even asked for?...