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Old 12-21-2011, 06:52 AM   #21
7th Heaven Will Commeth!!
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Default Re: What do you think about "Exspensive Cigars?"

My experience so far has been to get my hands on a many different sticks I can and formulate my own opinions regardless of price. I have found some high end price sticks that I like quite a bit and plenty high priced sticks I didn't like. On the flip side I have smoked plenty of lower price end sticks and fully enjoyed them baffled by the low price point. Soon enough you begin to find what you enjoy and keep coming back to.

In the 1+ year that I have been regularly smoking I have found it simply comes down to finding what you're into. No one else should sway you and you should simply as already stated a few times above, smoke what you like and like what you smoke!
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