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Old 12-17-2011, 12:31 AM   #5
Ischn't dat Wiert?!
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Default Re: People underestimate you because of your Age?

That sounds ignorant to me. Store clerks should give every customer, regardless of age, an equal service and take genuine interest in what the customer is looking for. If you are somewhat of a professional you know that since the customer will return this way. If you are not feeling comfortable because of the clerk's attitude, you might want to try another tobacconist where you are taken seriously from the get go, first time walking into the store.

My experience, first time walking into City Cigars in Vancouver as a beginner, was excellent. They greeted me and gave me a short introduction to their store outlay as they haven't seen me there before. Then they asked whether I would fancy a cup of coffee or thee while I was looking. They helped me choosing cigars and respected my choice of price point ... not very high back then because of my experience level, but they understood and supported that. Also, did they ask whether I had a humidor already. When I said yes, obviously not from their store, they handed me their humidor seasoning and maintenance/trouble shooting guide and told me they give all their humidor purchasing customers one. When I was about to leave, they included a cute little cigar journal to keep track of cigars I had smoked and whether I liked them, for future purchases. On request, they can keep a database for you for quick referencing next time you are in their store.

I left the store satisfied, with lots of useful information, a hand full of cigars, a journal and a humidor guide to set me up properly. This shows me that the owner and merchants care. They want to keep you as a customer. No pushing, no assumptions ... just genuine care for you and consequently their business.

This is just to show how your experience can be ... I would consider checking out another store.

Last edited by AmsterDan; 12-17-2011 at 12:36 AM. Reason: Clarifying
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