Originally Posted by yachties23
Maybe thats why I'll never understand Steeler fans. I wouldn't even joke about a guy on my team who has a history of blatant dirty cheap shots with intent to cause injury, or support a QB who has a shady off field history at best.
Its hysterical that they always talk about the ownership as classy and a first rate organization, yet look at the product on the field.
I went back and forth and read your statements you've made, and have seen that what you consider to be true and what actually is true don't necessarily have anything at all to do with each other, but I'll let you know what the Steeler Nation thought about Big Ben.
There's not a single Steeler fan who wasn't shocked when he hit the field this year. The fans almost unanimously expected (and wanted) to see him gone. The fact that he's still there attests to the Rooney family. The fans trust them because they have taken care of us, and have set the highest standards in the NFL for generations. I can trust that they left no stone unturned and know the full truth of all Ben's transgressions. I can assure you there are many more you haven't heard about, and that the organization has since reigned him in. Despite that, he remains on thin ice.
If the Rooney's kept him and are willing to vouch for him and work with him to make an outstanding human out of him, I've got to be behind them.
So far as Harrison goes, he doesn't have a lot of fans among Steeler followers. He's an asshole. He's got a big mouth, no respect, and isn't getting any love whatsoever.
The hit on Colt McCoy was inexcusable. I think a game's suspension is too light, and if he was gone for the rest of the year, it'd suit me fine. I'm hoping he's dealt away in the offseason, but I don't think he will be. I think he's going to be approached the same way Ben was. He'll fall in line, clean up his act, or they'll see to it that he's gone. He won't be the first top-notch linebacker with a bad attitude we've dealt away.
If you actually knew anything about what Steeler fans think, you'd know these things. And you'd understand what's behind a joke if someone makes a joke (and I'm not sure what the "joke" reference was).
If you knew anything about Harrison, you'd laugh at yourself about the HGH assertion. It doesn't even remotely make sense.