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Old 12-16-2011, 09:00 AM   #23
I'm nuts for the place
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Default Re: Elogio Excepcionales

Originally Posted by DaBear View Post
We have more regulars come in for big ring gauge sticks than not at work. That said its all personal preference. They can smoke all the big ring gauges. Leaves more of the sizes I like for me
Here in Charlotte it seems guys prefer the bigger RGs too. The Larger RGs always sell twice as quickly as the thinner RGs. Anytime something new comes in the 60RGs sell out almost instantly while the other sizes take some time to move.
I myself can enjoy a good 60RG stick especially if the stick was blended for that size (ie Tatuaje Face or Grand Cojonu/JDN UZI) but will very rarely venture past that size. I tend to favor Toros the most as they give me the best of both worlds when it comes to flavor and burn time.
I myself find that Petite Coronas and Lanceros do often bring the best out in a blend but in the warmer months I shy away from them as I usually want something that will burn for at least an hour. Come Fall and Winter it's game on for the PC and Lancero game.
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