Effing Rain :(
So, today was my last day of classes before 3 weeks of break. I had 2 tests. I over slept the first one, but the professor gave me a break saying I could write a paper to make up for the missed points, thanks to the lord.
Needless to say, I was ready for a smoke as I left campus, and the rain had fizzled off to a light mist. I was pumped for a smoke when I got home. I got back to my apartment, it had stopped raining, and I was thinking "sweet!" So I unwrapped my new hygrometer, had that set to be calibrated, ran my Heartfelt tube under the spritzer, and got that in the cooler. Still no rain, too good to be true right?
So I take out my Pinar Del Rio lancer, cut it, grab my lighter, turn around and it is in a state of absolute down pour outside, no cigar for me.
It's mid December in Upstate NY and it's 45 and raining?! I can deal with smoking in the snow, you don't get wet in the snow, so the rain kept me inside.
Luckily for me, the rain has stopped, and I have sworn to myself that I WILL smoke the PDR tonight, even if it means sitting in my car with the radio on after the movie I am watching with my roomate and his girlfriend gets over.