Thread: Hookah anyone?
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Old 12-15-2011, 12:13 PM   #18
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Default Re: Hookah anyone?

Originally Posted by Sam Leccia View Post
I smoke a pipe from time to time as well. One thing I never did but will probably try is breaking down a cigar and mixing it with some shisha. That's one thing that lacks to me with the experience is that kick from some stronger tobaccos.
Never tried it, but I have heard of guys smoking cigars down to the band and then clipping the ash and dark parts of the cigar out...storing it in a ziplock...and then when they have enough, grinding it down for pipes. Seems like you would have a lot of different flavors to deal with (if you got all of the burnt out of course)...or maybe I was naive when I heard that!! Anyway try it ever?
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