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Old 12-15-2011, 08:42 AM   #76
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Default Re: NFL's new safety policy

Originally Posted by waffle View Post
Ryan Howard hits 58 hrs, is he using??? Albert Belle, Greg Vaughn, Jim Thome, Prince Fielder, Cecil Fielder, Brady Anderson, Ken Griffey, Jr., Andruw Jones... etc, for the 3 you speak of, I just gave you 9 that didn't so the argument there is that because there are a couple of bad apples, the whole bunch is spoiled is not true.
You can't say those 9 "didn't". You gave me nine that either a) didn't use, b) weren't caught or c) weren't tested since MLB didn't start testing until 2004. More than likely, either a) or c). Anyone who's career ended before 2004 is suspect, in my eyes. There's a reason they call it the "Steroid Era". And you seriously don't think it's likely that Brady Anderson used PEDs? He's one of the posterboys, IMO. And I realize I set the barometer at 50+ HRs. My bad. A guy that went from averaging 3 HRs/yr to 20/yr is just as suspect.

Originally Posted by waffle View Post
I agree that the possibility exists that players in the NFL are getting away with PED usage (Brian Cushing), but I don't think that just because a guy goes from p-squad to the team because he realized he was too small to play LB in the NFL is a reason to instantly assume he was using. Almost every player that leaves college and makes it to the NFL bulks up or shapes up or trims down when given the opportunity to meet with coaches whose sole jobs are to help them do just that. ****, give me a conditioning coach 5 days a week all year round and I bet I could get into football shape as well... oh yeah and then I get a salary for doing it... thats just gravy!
I don't disagree it's possible, even likely, that Harrison doesn't use. Most players probably don't. My point was how many times did we hear "hard work", "training" and "eating right" from baseball players in the 90s and early 00s? A TON. It turned out a lot of it was BS.

All of this doesn't change the fact that Harrison is one of the dirtiest, non-arm-wrapping tacklers in the NFL.
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