Originally Posted by yachties23
Well than I apologize, doesn't change the fact that my statement is true.
Its true because you believe it.
Originally Posted by yachties23
Oh to view the world through a pair of black and yellow glasses....
I, in fact, HATE the Steelers, I was born and raised as a Bengals fan (despite the ownership having no love for me as a fan, I still love the team), however, one has to respect the hard work and dedication that is given day in and day out to put your body on the line for the entertainment of a country. Look, I wish I could say I thought the guy was using PEDs, I really do, nothing would make me happier than calling the dude a cheater, but I just don't see it as the truth. Truth is, the guy was making like $5,200/wk on p-squad, while nice, gave him the ability to train his balls off... A guy like Harrison doesn't seem like the type to want to put PEDs in his body, he looks like the type that wants to do it himself just to say he did when he's ripping heads off of players.. but then again, he can prove me wrong, so that's just my
Originally Posted by yourchoice
People argued the same thing for all of the 50+ HR hitters in baseball ten years ago. We all know how that turned out.
Ryan Howard hits 58 hrs, is he using??? Albert Belle, Greg Vaughn, Jim Thome, Prince Fielder, Cecil Fielder, Brady Anderson, Ken Griffey, Jr., Andruw Jones... etc, for the 3 you speak of, I just gave you 9 that didn't so the argument there is that because there are a couple of bad apples, the whole bunch is spoiled is not true. I agree that the possibility exists that players in the NFL are getting away with PED usage (Brian Cushing), but I don't think that just because a guy goes from p-squad to the team because he realized he was too small to play LB in the NFL is a reason to instantly assume he was using. Almost every player that leaves college and makes it to the NFL bulks up or shapes up or trims down when given the opportunity to meet with coaches whose sole jobs are to help them do just that. ****, give me a conditioning coach 5 days a week all year round and I bet I could get into football shape as well... oh yeah and then I get a salary for doing it... thats just gravy!