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Old 12-14-2011, 09:27 PM   #11
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Default Re: DSLR Recommendations

Nikon - Canon - Canon - Nikon - either or. Whatever feels better in your hand. Personally I like Canon in the DSLR but always go with Nikon in the point and shoot.

Most people never use half of what their cameras will fully do so if you like the Canon T2 or 3, either one will serve you for years. You will of course learn that the glass is of high importance.

Buy online if you want to - but do so from a trusted dealer - i.e. BH Photo, etc. There are a lot of gray cameras out there that you won't get a warranty with or they will try to sell you extra stuff that should have been in the kit to start with (assuming you buy a kit). You may want to buy the body and then the glass - saving you from the kit glass that you may grow out of pretty quick.

Craigslist is used for more than axe murders - I have bought and sold equipment. Good thing about it is that you try the equipment before you buy. I picked up an $1800.00 lens for just under $900.00

Don't buy a lens without getting at least a good skylight for protection.

Get a good book. Scott Kelby is one of my favorite authors - informative, cuts through the bull crap and has a sense of humor.

There are a lot of really good photographers on CA so don't be afraid to ask about stuff later - learn from the mistakes of others.

Also since you are interested in shooting wildlife at distance with those long lens - start looking now at good tripods, poles, etc. And learn what your mirror lock up does.

Good luck with it all!

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