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Old 12-13-2011, 10:47 PM   #10
I'm nuts for the place
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Default Re: Elogio Excepcionales

These smoke very good but I think the shape really hurts the smoke as they tend to start burning hot and turn sour as you make it past the widest part and it starts to make it's way back down into thinner RGs. I am going to give another one a shot but will definitely try and dry box it for a few days prior to smoking to see if that helps out any. Overall the Elogio LSV lines are very enjoyable. Was not overly impressed with their Habano line but I know a bunch of guys who prefer the Habano over the LSV so it's all subjective. The new lancero with the Ecuadorian wrapper is supposed to be amazing but I missed the meet and greet where they were giving these out to the boys to try before they are released.
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