Thread: Ping NEOFLEX
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Old 12-13-2011, 10:42 PM   #16
I'm nuts for the place
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Default Re: Ping NEOFLEX

JD, it was great meeting you too. Your welcome back to town whenever you want!
Now down to business. The Ferel Pig was a phenomenal smoke! Definitely not as in your face as the #9 Pig was when they first came out but the strength actually creeps up on you with the Ferel. The smoke from it was so thick and dense that Nasal hits brought instant coughing. lol. Not many sticks manage to give me a nic buzz these days but after nubbing the FFP my head was definitely buzzing a little bit and that was with a full belly. These are not for the faint of heart!
I really liked the flavor and the strength was right up my alley. It had great spice all the way through but definitely not overpowering spice. Like I mentioned earlier the power on this one actually snuck up on me.
I cannot wait until these are released so I can get my grubby hands on more. I am definitely going to have to pop for at least two boxes right out of the gate so I can smoke out of one and put the other down for a nap to see what age does as I have found all of the Pigs or any Liga for that matter just get better and better with age. I have a box of 52s I just cracked open that have been sitting at least a year that are just smoking downright awesome. I think I showed you the band off that one when you were here. Damn thing was no longer white.
Thanks again for the sneak peak with these. You were like the neighborhood crank dealer who gives you a taste and leaves you Jonesing for more. The second one will die a fiery death this Sunday at the Outland Christmas Party. Trying to space them out so when I am out I can hopefully get a couple boxes not too much longer after.
By the way great job on the UF-4. Smoked that at the event and that stick is probably one of the best Ligas to date. Thanks again for the hookup! It was very much appreciated.
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