Thread: Picking cigars
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Old 12-10-2011, 10:11 AM   #20
Dr Voss
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Default Re: Picking cigars

I have only been smoking cigars for about 6 months and have been amazed at how my taste for sticks has changed. When I started I really mild cigars like Olive Con. Res. and such. Now I find that I favor things like Casa Magna Oscuro's and Opus X. When I first started I would have considered them way too strong and rejected them. What I enjoy them most is trying new tastes, some I find I love and others, well not so much, but I have to say when all else fails my favorite is still Diamond Crown. When I just want to have something I know I am going to enjoy and the fragrance won't clear the house it's still my go to.
When I started I thought it was just find something you like and that's that but as you can see here cigars can be a great hobby with tons of variety.
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