First and foremost like others mentioned get a good solid digital hygro and calibrate it and see where you Rh really stands. Also how do your sticks feel when you squeeze them? Sometimes especially going from summer to fall my hygro seems to fluctuate a bit so rather than go crazy I just give a few cigars a pinch from time to time to see how they really feel and as long as they don't feel dry I don't sweat the fluctuations.
Another thing to give some thought to would be that most vendors tend to ship a bit on the wet side. Most of us here with myself included prefer my smokes a little dryer (65-66%). If your analogs are correct it sounds like after a few weeks your sticks should be sitting pretty around 67% but you may just prefer your sticks a little more wet and you may want to bump your humidity up close to the 70% range and see how they smoke there. The great thing about this hobby is we all have different tastes and palettes and there are sticks out there to suit each of us. The same goes for Rh. Some guys like their sticks hovering around 65% while other prefer the 70-72%. The fun part is smoking the sticks to figure it all out.