What to save? What to give?
So I am looking tomorrow-ish to spring on a couple samplers and a box of Lot 23's.
My question to you guys, are there any sticks you have that you dont give up for free?
For example, frequently I have buddies over for a smoke and such, like to night, or when I go out once in a blue moon my roomate will ask to join me, and I usually leave my humidor open and it's on a "take whatever you want" basis. This is with the exception of my Perdomo 10th Ann. Champagne that I am saving for Christmas.
I know most of y'all are pretty generous is your sticks as I have experienced with the bombs, NST's and people I have met from here (ie, Dball). But is there like 2 assortments you keep, as in you will open this humidor open to anyone, but also keep a humidor that are just for you?
Just curious how you guys differentiate, if at all.