Join Date: Oct 2008
First Name: Greg
Location: Mobile, Alabama
Posts: 11,198
Re: Kindle Vs. Kindle Fire
Originally Posted by Thrak
Thats the best part, even if B&N does go OOB (which I really dont see happening), you can put the Kindle app on the Nook Color/Tablet!
You'd have to use another program to convert the files to get them into a type that the Kindle likes, then email them to yourself at amazon to get them in the 'cloud'... what a pain!
Intersting read..
Originally Posted by pnoon
Not exactly true. Or as big a pain as you might think.
I use a shareware program called Calibre to organize my ebook library of stuff I don't buy directly from Amazon. Calibre will easily convert formats to be compatible with Kindle, iPad, iPhone, Nook, Sony and a slew of other eReaders. So, the number of supported formats for an eReader is a moot point.

Thanks, Peter & Thrak!