Re: Kindle Vs. Kindle Fire
I have to say neither, go with Nook Simple Touch or Nook Color/Tablet...
My wife has first gen Nook e-ink, I have a Nook Color and I got my sister-in-law a Nook Simple Touch for Christmas, which I opened and inspected just to make sure it works....
That new Simple is pretty amazing.. the content management does kinda suck, but if you take the time to setup your shelves its not that bad. The page turns on it blow the 1st gen e-ink away, VERY impressive how much faster it is. Its extremely light weight, and has a large 'ridge' that your finger will naturally hook into while holding it..
The Nook supports significantly more file types also, which is nice. You can hack the nook color and make it a full blow android tablet very easily as well... which will give you access to the Market and you can even run the Kindle app on it if you wish (irony!).
The limitations, and poor reviews so far, of the Kindle and Kindle Fire really surprise me coming from a company like Amazon, who wants to dominate everything they do.