Originally Posted by Starscream
It's a bit different b/c Votto doesn't go around constantly saying that he wants to remain a Red. Plus, Votto hasn't been around like Pujols has in St. Louis and established his own dynasty. Pujols has mentioned MANY times that he wanted to be a Cardinal for life. Votto has pretty much been politically correct and vague everytime he is asked about the future. He's not leading the fans on like Pujols did.
Again, the Cardinals had the opportunity to step up to the plate, and they balked. They were hoping he would have a down season and bring his price down, he didn't and they wouldn't up their price.
Two years ago he began asking for the huge long-term deal and they couldn't get it done. He wanted to sign before camp and the Cardinals left the same offer on the table for over a year without changing it. Its almost as if they were expecting him to walk without a fight, and they certainly didn't appear to put one up.
~$198 million and ~$250-260 is a big difference, and the Cardinals couldn't match it. There is expected to be a loyalty from Pujols to them, but it apparently wasn't recipricated.